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Lomilomi massage

Lomilomi massage (sometimes incorrectly written as two words lomi lomi) originated in Hawaii with roots back into the times of the first settlers of the islands.


The massage technique is integral to the Hawaian people’s traditional healing methods and incorporates both a physical aspect, in the strokes and movements that form the treatment, as well as a spiritual aspect with regard to the healing intent of the therapist and the energetic connection between therapist and receiver.


The Hawaian philosophy is fundamentally based on the premise that physical wellbeing and spiritual wellbeing are utterly interdependent.  


From the spiritual perspective, the Lomilomi practitioner uses their personal belief system, whether this is traditional Hawaian, modern christian, other faiths or even simple philosophical perspective, to make a connection to the person being massaged on a spiritual or energetic level and incorporate a healing intent to the treatment.


From the physical perspective, Lomilomi is a deeply relaxing massage technique involving long, slow strokes across the entirety of the body in a smooth, unbroken rhythm.


You will be unclothed for the massage but a sarong and loin cloth are used for comfort and privacy.  The entire body is anointed with appropriate warm oils before commencing the treatment.


I use palms and forearms, in the main, to apply appropriate pressure throughout the treatment, incorporating all muscle groups, and including some specific techniques to stretch and manipulate joints to aid the release of any built up tension in muscle fibres, tendons and ligaments.


The release of such tension stimulates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system helping the body to reduce the effects of physical, emotional and mental stresses and to stimulate the self- healing/regeneration processes within the body and mind.

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